Shoulder replacement is a life-changing surgery. Whether it is due to arthritis or a sports injury, shoulder pain can severely limit daily activities. But imagine waking up without that nagging pain and regaining the ability to lift your arm freely. Shoulder replacement surgery in Baltimore, MD, can help turn this into reality. Thousands undergo this
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Advances in Traditional Shoulder Replacement Surgery
The shoulder is an incredible and uniquely designed joint that allows the arm to rotate and move forward, back, and side-to-side. Depending on a patient’s age and activity level, the shoulder’s design can make it prone to pain and various injuries, including rotator cuff tears, shoulder impingement, and osteoarthritis, impacting normal function and the quality
The shoulder is an amazing and uniquely designed joint that allows the arm to rotate and move forward, back, and side-to-side. Depending on a patient’s age and activity level, however, the shoulder’s design can make it prone to pain and a variety of injuries. Rotator-cuff tears, shoulder impingement, as well as osteoarthritis of the shoulder
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