Fibromyalgia is a syndrome whose main symptom is musculoskeletal pain throughout the body. The patient is likely to also report fatigue and problems with mood, sleep, and memory. Scientists believe that fibromyalgia occurs when the patient’s brain overreacts to pain signals. For this reason, patients with fibromyalgia may also suffer from severe headaches, depression, and
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Achilles Tendon Rupture
An Achilles heel rupture refers to a tear (partial or complete) in the tight band of connective tissue that attaches the calf muscle to the heel of the foot, called the Achilles tendon. When an Achilles tendon ruptures, patients can feel a variety of symptoms, including a sudden and sharp pain between the calf and
Read MoreJoint Replacement Done a Lot Easier
The advances in joint replacement technology and techniques have made joint replacement procedures more common than ever before. The age spectrum is becoming broader and broader among those who can have these procedures done successfully. Joint replacement is also now much easier for patients, as an increasing number of orthopedic surgeons now offer minimally invasive
Read MorePercutaneous Disc Nucleoplasty
Individuals with herniated discs can experience debilitating and agonizing back pains. This injury affects approximately 1.5 million Americans every year. While the pain caused by a herniated disc can be life-consuming, there are ways to treat it and find relief. Let’s take a look at what a herniated disc is and how a percutaneous disc
Read MoreLigament Tears
Ligaments are the tough and flexible collagenous tissue connecting most of our bones and allowing varying degrees of movement. Stressing a ligament beyond its normal range can result in a ligament tear – what is commonly called a sprain. Ligament tears are one of the most common types of injuries, usually occurring at the weight-bearing
Read MoreUltrasound-Guided Injections
Advancements in medical technology have added great convenience and accuracy to diagnosing and treating many different types of orthopedic injuries and disease. Case in point: ultrasound-guided injections. In most cases, ultrasound-guided injections are used to deliver medication such as painkillers, anti-inflammatories, or joint lubricant (hyaluronic acid) into a very specific areas to relieve a patient’s
Read MoreFacet Joint Injections
A facet joint is an interlocking joint in the back of the spine that is formed between each set of two adjacent vertebrae. The purpose of a facet joint is to permit a person to be able to bend and twist and maintain flexibility in the spine and torso. When the facet joints are healthy,
Read MoreImportance of Feet for Sports
With 33 joints, 26 bones, and more than 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments, no wonder the foot is susceptible to any number of injuries and many more medical conditions. And while anyone on legs relies on their feet to get them where they need to be, athletes rely on their feet for their livelihood and
Read MoreHome-Based Physical Therapy
Depending on the reason a patient is prescribed physical therapy, one common factor for every patient who has physical therapy is that they will be taught a series of home exercises to continue doing. While those therapy sessions a patient attends at a therapy facility are immensely important, for best results the remainder of the
Read MoreWhat Is MLS (Multiwave Locked System) Laser Therapy?
Noninvasive MLS laser therapy features breakthrough technology and is currently considered the most advanced laser therapy system available. So, what exactly is it and what can it be used for? How It Works MLS laser therapy uses a multiwave, fully robotic laser to significantly reduce pain and inflammation and promote soft tissue repair. It is
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