Whenever that twinge in your low back acts up, you might think it’s due to your posture while sitting or standing up. While it is true that your sitting or standing posture can be a culprit in your low back pain, how you sleep—whether flat on your back, curled up in a fetal position, on
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Types of Treatments Offered by Our Orthopedic Doctors
Whether it’s due to a sports injury, an accident you sustained on the job, or a degenerative condition, a musculoskeletal problem has the potential to restrict your ability to carry out your day-to-day activities, and ultimately affect your sense of well-being. Fortunately, here at Orthopaedic Associates of Central Maryland, we have highly credentialed orthopedic doctors
Read MoreRisks of Untreated Knee Arthritis
Knee arthritis causes many unwanted side effects. Besides pain, people who suffer from wear and tear arthritis in their knee joints face immobility, loss of independence, and more. Learn more about the risks of untreated knee arthritis and what treatments your orthopedic doctor in Catonsville, MD, offers. What Causes Knee Arthritis? Knee arthritis, also called
Read MoreFuture Trends in the Field of Orthopedics
Everyone’s lifestyles changed when the pandemic hit – even the way in which we visited our doctors changed, as in-person visits morphed to virtual visits to keep everyone safe from the coronavirus. Regardless of circumstances, though, medical technology keeps moving forward at breakneck speed. Let’s talk about some of the amazing trends in orthopedics that
Read MoreWhat To Do After Foot And Ankle Surgery
Foot and ankle surgeries typically have long recovery times — from six months to a year. It’s a process that you should go about carefully, as taking shortcuts may lengthen your recovery time or even necessitate a repeat surgery. So, what are the concrete steps you should be taking while recovering? Let’s find out. Post-Foot
Read MoreThings To Consider When Looking For A New Orthopedic Doctor
It’s inevitable to experience some kind of orthopedic injury or condition in your lifetime. You might suffer a fall, get in an accident, or get a degenerative disease. Injury, pain, and trauma may warrant a visit to the local orthopedist. However, finding the ideal doctor for you may be challenging. With so many clinics and
Read MoreWhat Happens At An Orthopedic Appointment
First times at anything can be nerve-racking, especially when visiting a new orthopedic doctor. The first orthopedic appointment typically involves an evaluation of your medical history. You can also expect physical tests and diagnostic examinations. You don’t need to study for any of these tests, but it won’t hurt to prepare for the appointment, nonetheless.
Read More5 Facts About Foot and Ankle Surgeries
Did you know that wellness literally starts from the ground up? Your feet—each consisting of 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 ligaments, muscles, and tendons— are extraordinarily complex structures serving as the foundation of support for your entire body. That is why keeping them healthy is crucial if you want to maintain an active
Read MoreLow Back Pain Treatment Options from Experts
If you suffer from lower back pain, you are one of the 80% of Americans who experience this issue at some point in their lifetime. Low back pain is most common in adults who are age 30 and older, and it is the most common cause of missed workdays worldwide. Most low back pain is
Read MoreHow to Get Back on Your Feet After Foot Surgery
Having foot surgery is ironically debilitating for a short while, because it causes you to lose all or almost all use of your foot briefly while it heals after the operation. If your other foot is healthy, you will be able to continue getting around with the help of crutches or a cane, but you
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