As it does to any other joint of the body, arthritis wallops the knee quite slowly. It begins quietly, but over time, causes bone spurts to develop and the joint space to narrow. When not properly managed, arthritis can eventually cause cartilage breakdown and irreversible knee damage. It stands to reason that if you’re having
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My Orthopedist Says I Have Osteoporosis. How Can I Keep It from Worsening?
When the mineral levels in your bones are low, it can lead to osteoporosis. Bones rely on minerals such as calcium to maintain strength. A lack of calcium can cause bones to become fragile and prone to fractures with osteoporosis. There are, however, treatments available to help increase bone density and reduce the effects of
Read MoreWhat conditions are related to low back pain and how are they treated?
Lower back pain is very common, and everyone is bound to experience it at least once in their lives. Many people live with chronic lower back pain. It is one of the top reasons why patients make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. Anyone with lower back pain naturally wants to know what is causing
Read MoreHow To Select A Hand Surgeon
Among the most often used joints are those in the hands and wrists. Picture what you couldn’t do without having the full function of your hands. Simple tasks like holding your phone, opening doors, feeding yourself, brushing your teeth, putting on clothes, and driving your car can become immensely challenging without having full use of
Read More3 Reasons to Consider a Knee Replacement Surgery
If you’re on this page, it’s likely that you’re suffering from intractable knee pain or one that is causing you significant quality-of-life issues, and now, you’re making a last-ditch effort to find a way to break free from it. Ever heard of knee replacement surgery? It could be your ticket to the healthy, active lifestyle
Read MoreAsk an Orthopedic Surgeon: What Can I Do to Keep My Bones Strong and Avoid Injury?
Our bones are amazing living tissues that go through a constant process of building, breaking down, and remodelling. They are tough and flexible, and yet, they can also break. Without our bones, we’d just be mere puddles of guts and skin. You can’t imagine living with broken bones either, as that would translate into limited mobility,
Read MoreHow Can Orthotics Help Me with My Foot Pain?
Are you wondering whether a shoe insert or a custom-made shoe can help to relieve your foot pain or heel pain? There are many different kinds of orthotics, so you’ll want to talk to a foot doctor about what might be best for you. Let’s talk about what orthotics are, what they can do for
Read MoreWhat to Expect After Spinal Stenosis Surgery
If you have advanced-stage or severe spinal stenosis and contemplating surgery, you will want to know how to prepare for not only the procedure but also for what comes after it. After all, what you do during your recovery can greatly affect the overall outcome of your treatment. The information provided below is aimed at
Read MoreAt-Home Remedies for Sciatica Pain
Whether it’s constant soreness or intermittent discomfort, sciatica pain can be unbearable. No doubt, the first thing you’ll want when you experience sciatica pain is immediate relief. The good news is you can alleviate bothersome symptoms effectively with self-care methods. There’s no need to put up with sciatica pain — here are some home remedies
Read MoreTreating Golfer’s Elbow — The Most Effective Methods
Golfer’s elbow, despite the name, is not a condition limited to golfers and athletes. In fact, only a small percentage of patients diagnosed with golfer’s elbow develop this condition due to playing golf. Though it is more common in physically active and middle-aged people, anyone can suffer from golfer’s elbow. Fortunately, effective treatments for golfer’s
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