The knee joint connects the femur or thigh bone to the tibia or shin. It absorbs a lot of your weight and is a vital part of helping you move. As such, the knee experiences significant daily action – such as when you walk and run to even when you sit down and pick up things from the ground. Because of this, the knee is the most commonly injured joint.
Knee pain is unique to each individual who experiences it. For some, it comes and goes at specific times of the day. While for others, it develops into a chronic condition.
Whether it needs short-term relief or long-term management, knee pain can severely affect your overall health. Understanding what knee pain is and what causes it can help you determine what your plan of action needs to be to relieve your joint pain.
Symptoms of Knee Pain
The common symptoms of knee pain are the pain and discomfort surrounding the knee. The knee is the biggest joint in the body. Where you are feeling pain the most in your knee can point to the root cause of it.
Pain behind the knee or near the surface may indicate a muscle, ligament, or tendon issue. If you are experiencing pain deeper inside the knee, this may indicate a bone or cartilage issue. Knee pain is not always centralized, and you can also experience knee pain at multiple parts of the knee. The pain can also spread throughout the leg.
Other symptoms associated with knee pain are:
- A fever, in addition to swelling and inflammation of the knee
- Limited range of motion, such as inability to extend or bend the knee
- Knee instability or weakness
- Deformities of the knee or leg
- Popping or clicking sounds when trying to move or bend the knee
What Causes Knee Pain?
A common cause of knee pain is injury. Injuries to the knee can be sports-related or due to repetitive strain. These include knee ligament tears and meniscus tears, which are both common sports injuries. Physical trauma, like falls and car accidents, can also result in knee pain. Bone fractures and dislocations are common results of physical accidents.
Arthritis causes pain and swelling in the joints, including the knees. Three different types of arthritis can affect the knee, which are:
- Osteoarthritis – the breakdown of the cartilage due to long-term wear and tear
- Rheumatoid Arthritis – a type of arthritis that results from the immune system attacking the tissue lining in joints
- Post-Traumatic Arthritis – pain and stiffness as a result of an injury
Another leading cause of knee pain is lifestyle factors such as obesity. Excessive weight puts a strain on the musculoskeletal system, which may result in knee pain. Underlying medical conditions such as gout and lupus can have knee pain as one of their symptoms.
Dealing with Knee Pain
It’s important to get a proper diagnosis to understand what causes your knee pain and get you on the right treatment track.
Your healthcare provider will perform a physical examination and evaluate your medical history to find the root cause of your knee pain. Imaging tests can further reveal why you have knee pain.
After carefully identifying the problem, your provider will prescribe you the right treatment for your condition. Pain medication and assistive devices like knee braces can both be used to alleviate knee pain. To help you regain knee strength and mobility, you may also be recommended for physical therapy and exercise.
At-home practices, such as the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), can also provide pain relief for temporary cases of knee pain.
Surgery is an option for patients with severe and debilitating knee pain. Knee arthroscopy and joint replacement surgery can provide long-term relief.
Effective Treatment for Knee Pain in Baltimore, MD
When your knee pain persists or worsens over time, it’s important to call a trusted healthcare provider. The first step in treating knee pain is a proper diagnosis. Having access to the right treatment for knee pain significantly affects your recovery time and process.
Here at the Orthopaedic Associates of Central Maryland (OACM), we provide compassionate and comprehensive orthopedic care for patients all over Central Maryland. With our innovative practices and state-of-the-art facilities, our medical team can diagnose and treat a variety of orthopedic injuries and conditions – including those that cause mild to severe knee pain.
Whether it is mild or severe, knee pain can affect your overall health and decrease your quality of life. Call our offices today at (410) 644-1880, or toll-free at (855) 4MD-BONE. You can also schedule an appointment online through our secure online scheduling form.
You can also check out our locations all over Montgomery County, Washington, DC, and more to see which clinic is nearest to you and can provide the services you are looking for.
We look forward to getting you back on your feet and feeling better than ever!